04 Jun

Good day friends! I just finished teaching another set of virtual Reiki classes. This process always energizes and reminds me that Reiki, while an energy source that is easy to access, remains a way of life which takes a real commitment to truly be a guiding force.

I am always grateful for the students who come my way. They help me to be a better facilitator and help to open my eyes up to new wonders involving the use of the energy.

Working with Reiki over the past decade, has been transformative, but not instant. Like so much of life, as each year passes the wisdom grows within, increasing understanding, confidence and peace. The Reiki Principles continue to guide me each day. 

Just for Today

I will not Anger

I will not Worry

I will be Grateful

I will work with Diligence

I will be Kind

There is a relevant quote regarding honoring the process, the journey, not just the destination. This rings true for Reiki. Though I am considered a "master" through my level of training, mastery is a life process and can not be assumed or certain. 

I love the idea of continuing to learn and grow with Reiki and in all aspects of my life.  Everyone I encounter is a teacher and all of my experiences, both difficult and joyuous, offer lessons for me to understand. 

I am ever grateful for having been sent on this journey and for the people who have guided me to become a teacher of this amazing process. And of course to you for the commitment to my offerings and to this experience.

I hope the journeys you travel bring you peace. 🩷🙏 🙌

What guide or set of principles do you use to  help you through each day?

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