18 Jun

Today is US Father’s Day. I give thought to the men surrounding me who have helped me in life, my dad, my brother and my husband. I honor them today. Though each one has gifted me with amazing support and love throughout my lifetime, the relationships were not always smooth. 

I realize that even through disagreement, I still took lessons and learning from my connection with these men. But understanding this took years! 

Now I can reflect back and see how all of my interactions with them and each person with whom I connect,  ends up holding some meaning. A springboard toward growth. I love being in the position to see this point more clearly. 

So I thank the “Fathers” in my life. And wish all people who have nurtured and given support to others to know that they are appreciated- deep down- your goodness is felt and realized, maybe even if this gratitude doesn’t get spoken.  Understand that your love will have its recognition. Hold that in your heart!

Just for today, I will work with diligence to manage my relationships with love. 

Have you navigated through challenging relationships? What has helped you on this path?


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