The Reiki Pet Companion

Animal Reiki - Pet Sitting Services

I am Gina, a compassionate human, a lover of animals and have shared my home with many cats (currently 2) and a couple of dogs. I offer a unique pet sitting service with the option of Reiki healing energy for your animal either in your home or virtually. I am a Reiki master and have channelled energy for many people and their fur companions with positive results. 

If your animal is anxious, fearful or has health concerns, Reiki can be a gentle tool in managing symptoms by offering deep relaxation and a sense of calm.

Reiki can be transmitted either through touch, "hand hovering" or sent from a distance, even if the practitioner and the animal are in the same room. Some animals accept the experience with ease and others may take time to relax with the acceptance of the energy. The transmission of Reiki is generally calming and positive for your pet. 

I make every effort to communicate my intentions with your pet and take their lead on the method used to proceed with the session.  

Reiki is also available to your pet without pet sitting. This can be a more involved process and can include members of the household as well. 

Please call or email for further information and to schedule. 

Gina - 203-679-1771

All prices are based on individual needs and may vary according to  factors that present for your unique circumstance. Please contact me to discuss your needs and those of your pet and for more detailed pricing. 

(Any service further than an 8 mile radius of Blue Back Square, West Hartford, $1 per each additional mile)

Animal Care 

  • Pet sitting in your home - $25 per visit (based on number of animals and tasks)
  • Dog Walking - $25 per 25 minute walk (one dog- 2nd additional)

Animal Reiki

  • Animal Reiki add on when caring for/walking your pet(s) - starts $25 (15 mins)
  • Animal Reiki (in your home) - Initial Consultation/Home Visit (up to 60 minutes)- $100-  Subsequent Visits (30 minutes) - $55
  • Animal Reiki (virtual/distant) - From $40-$75 depending on circumstances.

(I am NOT a medium, and while there may be some communication during the session, the goal of these Reiki sessions, is relaxation/healing)


While you are away or if you are around..

Consider doing a House/Home Energy Clearing. Energy Clearing will release negativity that has come into your space. Once cleared, positive energy will be shared and spread into each corner of your home. 

House Clearing for your new home, or a refresh for the house you are in! Using Reiki energy, Crystals and Vibrations. Fee begins at $75